How to Decorate a Room on a Shoestring

It would be ideal if you could hire an interior designer and completely remodel your living room. But, let’s face it, that could be very expensive.
That doesn’t mean you can’t make your current room look a lot better. Here are some simple, low-cost decorating tips that will accomplish just that.

  • Put a covering over your worn sofa or chair. A simple throw blanket placed at an angle can make a dramatic difference.
  • Plants, real or artificial, make just about any room look better. Just don’t overdo it.
  • Don’t try to hide problem areas. Instead, accent them. For example, if the window sill is worn and aged, place a couple of antique-looking ornaments on it!
  • Re-do the walls. Move pictures around. Consider adding other wall decor, such as plates and mini-shelves.
  • Place your favorite hard-cover books around the room. Add illustrated books in the living room and cookbooks in the kitchen or dining room.
  • Lamps, especially interesting looking ones, can go a long way toward enhancing a room.
    Don’t be afraid to experiment. Be daring. Sometimes just moving a picture or a piece of furniture can make all the difference.

Enhance Your Foyer Appeal

You’ve probably heard the term “curb appeal”. It refers to how your property looks when a potential buyer first sees it from the curb. Curb appeal plays an important role in the first impression a buyer gets of your home.

There is another type of appeal you should also be concerned about – “foyer appeal”. Foyer appeal is all about the impression a buyer gets when he or she first walks through your front door.

Think about it. What do you do when you enter a particular home for the first time? You probably take a quick look around while you’re removing your jacket or shoes. In fact, a lot of the impression you form about a home comes from the first look you get while standing in the foyer. Home buyers do the same thing.

So when preparing your home for sale, it makes sense to make your home look as attractive as possible from the perspective of the foyer. There are many ways you can do that. Make sure the area is clean and uncluttered. Don’t have shoes and boots lying around. Make sure there is nothing obvious and unsightly in the foyer.

Fair or not, buyers form lasting impressions from the foyer. So make sure that the first impression is a good one!