You’re in a rush. You have just three weeks to find and buy the right home. Whoa! How are you going to make that happen?
Don’t stress. Here are some tips that will help:
• Get a pre-approved mortgage. With this document, you’ll know exactly what you can afford. A seller will take your offer-to-purchase more seriously, too.
• Make a wish list. Be clear about what you want in a home. Two bedrooms or three? A finished basement? A large kitchen? A spacious backyard? If you know what you want, you’ll be able to quickly zero in on the right homes.
• Be flexible. You may have a wish list, but to find a home quickly you’ll also need to be flexible. Think about what you absolutely must have in a new home.
• Location matters. Generally, buying a less than ideal home in a great community is better than purchasing the perfect home in a bad area. So, create a list of communities you’ll consider.