Set Learning Goals Instead of Resolutions

Are you making a New Year’s resolution this month? Whether it’s to quit smoking, lose weight, or spend more time with your family, you’ll have a much better chance of success if you turn that goal into a learning goal instead.
A learning goal is simply a commitment to learn something rather than to achieve a specific milestone.

Say, for example, that your New Year’s resolution is to get into better physical shape. A traditional goal might be: “I’m going to work out at the gym three days a week.” A corresponding learning goal would be: “I’m going to hire a fitness trainer to teach me an appropriate workout program.”

Research, published in many journals, reveals that people who set learning goals are much more likely to achieve them. They also tend to stay motivated over a longer period of time and get better results overall. So, if you set a learning goal instead of a traditional goal in the area of fitness, you stand a much better chance of actually getting fit!

Tired of New Year’s resolutions that go nowhere? Try setting a learning goal instead. It just might make 2024 your best year ever!

Gentle Ways to Deal with Insects in the Home

A growing number of homeowners are uncomfortable using traditional pesticides for a variety of reasons, including health and environmental concerns. If you’re among them, here are some natural ways to deal with insects in your home:

  • Use a mixture of unsweetened lemon juice and water to deter spiders. Spray the solution near doorways and window sills where these arachnoids can enter.
  • Combine an equal mixture of vinegar and water to create an effective deterrent for a variety of crawling insects, particularly ants. Spray the solution on floors and countertops that are close to these creatures’ food sources.
  • Believe it or not, invest in a fake wasp nest (which you can purchase at your local home improvement store) to deter real wasps from building a nest on your property.
  • Experts recommend that you test any surface spray you plan to use to make sure it doesn’t stain or otherwise harm the surface.