Does your Home Still Match your Lifestyle?

When you purchased your current home, chances are it was a good match for your lifestyle. It had the space you needed, the features you wanted, and a location that worked for you.
But for most people, lifestyle and needs evolve through the years. Kids get older. Jobs or careers change. People take on new hobbies and other interests.

As a result, the home that was ideal a few years ago may not fit with your current lifestyle.

That doesn’t necessarily mean you need to shop for a new home! However, it may mean that it’s worth taking a look at the market and seeing what’s possible.

Think about the kind of home that would support your lifestyle today. Ask questions like:

  • How many bedrooms do we need?
  • How easy is it to travel to work each day?
  • What special features do we want in our home? (Big backyard? Rec room? Quiet area?)
  • What do we want nearby? (School? Playground? Walking and biking trails? Shopping? Entertainment? Golf?)
  • What else does our home need in order to support our lifestyle?
  • After asking yourself some of these key questions, ask other family members for their opinions too.

You may, in fact, find that the property you have now is still ideal for your lifestyle.

If, however, your home is no longer a good fit, you have options. You can stay in your current home despite it no longer being ideal; you can make some changes (a renovation, perhaps); or, you can see what’s available in the housing market.

If you need help with any of these options, call today.

The Psychology of Clutter

There’s an interesting psychological characteristic of clutter. We tend to notice it more in other people’s homes than in our own. In fact, we may not even realize a room in our house feels cluttered and uncomfortable to visitors.

That’s why making each room look neat and spacious is so important when you’re selling your property.

Although the task may seem daunting at first, decluttering is relatively easy to do.

The simplest technique is to box things. You’re going to move anyway, so boxing makes sense. You can store the boxes of items you’re keeping in your garage. If you have a lot of boxes, renting short-term storage is an option.

When decluttering, you’re bound to come across items you no longer need or want. You can create separate boxes for items to trash, donate, or sell online. Deal with these right away, so they’re not included in your stored boxes.

An uncluttered home shows dramatically better to buyers. When they see a cluttered space — even if it’s neatly organized — it creates a reason not to buy. So, declutter your way to a faster sale at a higher price!