Imagine if you dreamed of owning a special limited-edition vehicle. What would you do to ensure that your dream vehicle would someday be parked in your driveway – with your name on the ownership papers?
You would probably start by doing some research. You’d find out how much that vehicle would cost, what features are available, and so forth. You would likely visit a local dealership and take a test drive if a model is available on site. You would keep an eye on the market for any that come up and let the dealer know you’re looking for just that car.
If you did, then, someday, you’d probably be the proud owner of the limited-edition car of your dreams.
What does this have to do with real estate?
Well, you can take the same approach when there’s a community you’d love to live in someday. You can target it, learn what homes typically cost in that area, and keep your eye on that market in case a property becomes available that meets your criteria.
By focusing on a specific community, you increase your chances of someday living there, simply because you’re focusing on it.
Of course, community targeting isn’t as simple as aiming to own a specific car someday. That’s why you need a real estate professional who can keep an eye on that community on your behalf, and alert you to opportunities that become available.
Then, if a listing that’s a good fit comes on the market, you can decide whether or not to make a move.