When to Consider a less-than-ideal Home

Obviously, when you’re searching for a new home, you want to find one that is ideal. It should be your next dream home. However, sometimes it pays to consider at least some properties that don’t meet all your criteria. After all, you never know whether one of them is actually your next dream home – in disguise!

Say you’re looking for a home with a beautiful kitchen – the kind you envy on TV cooking shows. Then, you view a property that has everything you need – except that big kitchen.

Ask yourself these questions:

1. Can you fix it?
Perhaps some redecorating or a renovation can turn that so-so kitchen into one you’ve always wanted. Take some time to imagine the possibilities.

2. Can you live with it?
The kitchen might not have everything you want. It may be smaller than you’d hoped. But, can you make it work? Can you compromise a little given that the home has so many of the other features you want? Perhaps you can live with a smaller kitchen – that still looks great.

Smart Packing Tips for Moving Day

The last thing you need after a long moving day is to discover that a valuable item was damaged. That’s certain to dampen your spirits when you’re just getting settled into your new home. Here are some packing tips to help ensure that doesn’t happen:

  • Avoid worn-out or damaged boxes as they are more likely to tear open during a move.
  • Pack glass and similar items in bubble wrap or foam chips – but not too tightly. Include just enough to ensure there’s no rattling.
  • Use small boxes for heavier items. A big box of books is difficult to lift. (Experts say a box shouldn’t weigh more than 50 lbs.)
  • Use anti-static packing materials for sensitive electronics, such as computers, cameras, and flash-drives.
  • Purchase specialty packaging for items such as dishes, musical instruments, and valuable clothing. It’s worth the investment.
  • Don’t pack a box so full that there’s a bulge.
  • Wind and tie electrical cords.

Finally, if possible, personally carry irreplaceable items (such as family photographs) with you to your new home.

What a Buyer is Thinking While Viewing Your Home

Ask any good salesperson for an effective selling technique and they’ll probably say something like, “Understand the buyer. Try to figure out what they’re thinking.”

That’s good advice for you to consider when you’re putting your home up for sale. You need to imagine what a buyer might be thinking while viewing your property, so you can prepare your home more effectively for that sale.

Here are some things buyers may be wondering:

  • Is this the type of home we’re looking for? Does it have the ideal number of bedrooms, etc.?
  • Are the rooms spacious enough for our needs?
  • Are there any repairs or other maintenance issues that need to be addressed?
  • How old is the property? Is there anything major, such as a furnace, that will need to be replaced soon?
  • What is the community like? Will we be happy living in this area? Is it safe?
  • Is this home going to fit our lifestyle? Is there an area for the kids to play? Is there ample room for entertaining? Is the dining room large enough for dinner with family and relatives?

Of course, these are only a few of the many questions a buyer may have while viewing your home.

The more you can anticipate these questions and prepare your home accordingly, the better the chances that you’ll sell it quickly and for a good price.

For example, remember that clutter will make a room appear smaller. So, make sure to de-clutter your home – especially the smaller spaces and cupboards.

If your house is in a desirable community, create a list of area features (i.e. local parks, access to public transit, walking paths, etc.) to help buyers appreciate the value of living there.

Basically, when you’re preparing your home for sale, think like a prospective buyer!

Don’t Forget the Commute

Some home buyers consider purchasing a home that is less expensive but farther away from work. In particular, people who work in an urban area sometimes consider living outside the city, where housing costs a little less.

Is that a good option? It depends, to some extent, on the cost of commuting.

People often underestimate commuting expenses when they consider buying in a particular area. Knowing these costs is important if you want to make a smart, informed decision.

For example, there are many expenses associated with a 45-minute commute to work: gas, wear and tear on the vehicle, insurance, parking, etc. There’s also value to the lost time – almost seven hours a week spent in the car.

If you find a home that you love, and have considered the commuting time and expenses, you might find that it makes sense to purchase a home in the suburbs. Lots of people commute and find ways to make the experience pleasant.

As with all aspects of a home purchase, having all the information is key. So, make sure you know the true cost of commuting so you can make the right decision for you and your family.

Reasons to Consider Making a Move

When is it a good time to sell your property and buy another home? Whenever there’s a good reason to do so! There are many things that may motivate you to consider making a move.

For example:

  • Your current home no longer meets your needs. You may have more space than you need or you might be looking for a larger home to accommodate a growing family.
  • You’re looking for features your current property can’t accommodate. For example, you might want to install a pool but don’t have the backyard space or you might want a larger living room for entertaining but don’t have room for a renovation.
  • You want to live in a more desirable community. This is one of the most common motivators since the area you live in has a huge impact on your lifestyle.
  • You want to move closer to work, school, family, shopping, theater, etc.
  • You’re simply bored of your current property and are ready for a change.

Whatever your reasons, if you’re thinking of looking for a new home – even if you haven’t made a firm decision yet – we should talk.

Be a Savvy Home Viewer

The last thing you want to experience after purchasing a home is “buyer’s regret”. That’s the sinking feeling you get when you realize, days or weeks later, that you may have made the wrong decision.

Say, for example, you bought a home based on your first impressions. When you viewed it, you thought it was just perfect. Then, a few weeks after you moved in, you discovered that the bedrooms are smaller than you had originally thought and the street is loud and busy. That wouldn’t be a very good feeling!

That’s why it’s important to become a savvy home viewer. When you visit a property for sale, you need to move past your first impressions and take a comprehensive look at the property and the neighborhood. That way, there won’t be any unpleasant surprises later on.

Here are some tips on how to do just that:

  • Take the time to carefully view each room, including closets and storage areas.
  • Make sure you have measurements of all the rooms.
  • Imagine yourself living in the home. Where will you have dinner? How will your furniture look? What is it going to be like to travel to work and school each day? Where will your kids play?
  • Get a professional home inspection. Then, make sure you read and understand the report.
  • Understand and get estimates for any maintenance and repair issues, such as required bathroom upgrades or roof shingles that need replacement.
  • Walk in the community and get a clear sense of what it’s going to be like to live there.
  • Carefully consider any negative issues before telling yourself, “I can live with this.”

What’s Great About your Community?

When potential buyers view your home, they are just as interested in the surrounding area as they are in the property itself. So, before listing your home on the market, it makes sense to think about your community and its key characteristics.

Here’s a good way to do that:

Imagine a relative from out-of-town coming to visit. She may say that she likes your community, and wants to know what you enjoy most about living there.

How would you answer?

Would you talk about the friendly nearby residents? Would you list the community events? Name all the local shopping? Describe the nice restaurants within walking distance? Or tell her about the local playground?

There are probably many things about your community that make it great. What are the top three? Those are probably characteristics of the area that most buyers will want to know.

The Problem with “Stuff”

The late comedian George Carlin used to have a routine called, “A place for my stuff.” He was referring to the idea that, besides being a place to sleep and eat, the purpose of a home is essentially to store all the stuff you accumulate over the years.

That may or may not be true. But, if you’re like most homeowners, you probably have a lot of stuff in your home… stuff in closets, and stuff in the garage.

That’s just what happens!

The problem, however, comes when you try to sell your home. What may seem to you like a comfortable home office filled with supplies, office equipment, books and papers, may look to a buyer like an uncomfortable, small and cluttered space.

That’s the problem with “stuff”. Too much of it, and it gets in the way of buyers seeing and appreciating the great features of your home.

So, when you’re selling your home, what do you do with all that extra stuff?

One solution is to have a garage or yard sale. (If you call it a “moving sale” you’ll attract more buyers.) This is a great way to get rid of the things you don’t need anymore – and, perhaps, make a few dollars!

Another solution is to give some of the items you don’t need to charity. There are many local organizations that can make good use of second hand clothing, furniture, and toys.

Finally, for all of the things you want to hang on to, but are cluttering up your home, consider renting a locker at a self-storage company.

One thing is for certain. The more spacious and comfortable each room of your home appears to potential buyers, the more likely it is that they’ll see the true value of your property and become interested.

What’s Memorable about your Home?

Chances are, there is a characteristic of your property that everyone remembers, appreciates, and maybe even envies. It could be a spacious kitchen with an island and upgraded appliances… or a stunning backyard with a wrap-around deck and beautiful landscaping… or rustic hardwood floors that contrast with elegant, high-end ceramics.

Whatever it is about your property that people tend to like and remember, will also appeal to potential buyers. So, when listing your home for sale, make sure to emphasize that characteristic.

When buyers view homes, they tend to remember just one, or sometimes up to two or three features of each property. “Oh, that’s the house with the large rec room and bar.” Or, “That’s the property with the gorgeous landscaping.”

These are characteristics that help sell a property. Make sure you highlight them.

However, sometimes homeowners lose perspective of what is truly appealing about their property. Ask friends to tell you what features in your home make it appealing. You might be surprised by their answers.

What Happens when you Make an Offer?

If you want to buy a new washing machine, you simply go into a retail store and pay the listed price. Pretty simple.

However, it doesn’t work quite that way when it comes to real estate. Although a home will usually have a “listed price”, you must make an “offer” for that property and then the seller must accept it. In fact, if there are other buyers interested in the property, you may not get the home even if you offer the listed price!

That’s why it’s so important to work with a good real estate professional, who can provide information and experience to help you determine the right offer to submit.

Once you make an offer, if the seller accepts it, the home is yours. If the seller rejects your offer, it could be because they’ve accepted another buyer’s offer, feel your offer is too low, or have rejected one of your conditions.

Sometimes, the seller will come back with a counteroffer. If you accept it, congratulations, you’ve bought the property. If you don’t like the counteroffer, you can make a counter-counteroffer!

This back and forth negotiation can get a bit tricky, which is another reason to have a professional by your side.